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Boardstock Down Under...

Boardstock Down Under...
By cramey on Monday, January 21, 2002 @ 9:17 am
Coller Bay, Lake Eildon will become the Mecca of Wakeboarding in Australia when it hosts its first annual Boardstock. Wakeboarders from around the country will bring their boats and camp at Lake Eildon National Park or arrive by houseboat and join together on Feb 1-3 to celebrate the sport that has been know as the faster growing water sport of the past five years.

Boardstock will be Australia’s only wakeboard participation event where attendees are encouraged to bring their own boat and friends and wakeboard during the weekend. Some of the best riders in the country will be at the event, including Bonnie Doon, local three-time Australian Champion and World Number five, Daniel Watkins, and one of the hottest prospect in Australian Wakeboarding, Eildon based rider, Dwayne Priestly. Attendees will be able to watch demos by the best in the country and even take lessons with them over the weekend.

On Water Activities include:

Demos: The countries best wakeboarders will be on hand to give attendees a taste of what wakeboarding has to offer during four demos on both Saturday and Sunday.

Black Diamond Wakeboard S’cool: Australia's number one wakeboard coach, Scotty Kell, will be relocating his wakeboard school, know as the Black Diamond Wakeboard S’cool, from Wisemens Ferry on the Hawksbury River NSW to Coller Bay for the weekend. Black Diamond hosts the biggest wakeboard clinics in the country and this will be the first time ever that his entire team will travel to a new location to coach for the weekend.

Chick Sessions: Former Australian Wakeboard Champion Nat Taylor has just completed event number two known as Chick Sessions. It is the most successful female wakeboard clinic ever to encourage female growth in the sport. Chick Sessions is a female only group who will leave from Coller Bay to a sheltered area of lake Eildon and improve their skills while feeding off each other’s motivation.

The Malibu Tour: The Malibu Tour is an Australian wide tour which travels to lakes and waterways around the country during Australia’s summer months. David Thorpe is the driving power behind this tour in its second year. The Malibu Tour offers a unique experience of riding with all the latest equipment from boats to boards. Some of the countries best riders, including Travis Osborne and Dwayne Priestly, will be on hand when the tour arrives at Boardstock to give wakeboarders at all levels a chance to ride with the best equipment available.

Slider Park: Boardstock will host Australia’s first open water slider park for attendees. The term slider is the term given to a floating object that wakeboards slide along and jump off of, just like a skate board or snow board would slide along a hand rail and jump of jump ramps. The center of Coller Bay will transform into a floating skate park when jump ramps and floating obstacles, up to 40 feet long, will be placed in the bay. Personal watercraft will tow the country's best riders around the park all day long.

Boats: Boardstock will host an expo site which will contain Australia’s top wakeboard boats. This will be a main feature of Boardstock as it is the only location where boat manufactures can have boats on the land and on the water for test-driving.

Night time entertainment includes some of Australia’s best DJ’s, that will continue the social activity, and a long night of partying.

Pre-event booking recommended. Call now 03-9415-7888.

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