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By cramey on Sunday, April 29, 2001 @ 10:43 pm
CWB and Proline are proud to announce the signing of the Reigning Junior Series Champion Joel Cahill.

The 17-year-old high school Junior will be stepping up to the pros this season with the backing of CWB. The addition of Cahill brings a new dimension to CWB's pro team. Joel will be one of the younger riders on the tour this year and has a lot to offer because of his youth. "I'm really looking forward to working with the guys at CWB to come up with some stuff that will be just a little bit different" says Cahill about his new partnership.

Along with his achievements in the Juniors this past season, Joel had several strong showings at the pro level. In 2000 he qualified for the semifinals at the two Pro Tour stops he attended, placed 2nd in Pro Mens at the Phoenix Pro Am and 1st at the Brendel Cup in Orlando, beating out some of the top Pros. Wakeboarding Magazine named him as "One to Watch" in the 2001 Pro Wakeboard Tour predictions.

Jeff Barton, Editor of Wake Boarding Magazine, says, "Joel really does have what it takes to be one of the greats of the sport. He's a student of the sport, watching and learning from others, then taking this knowledge to the water and using it against his foes."

We plan on seeing great things come out of Joel this year and in the years to come.Joel's has chosen to ride the new CWB Prodigy 136 model introduced in April 2001.
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