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Trevor Hansen Joins Team CWB

Trevor Hansen Joins Team CWB
By cramey on Friday, January 03, 2003 @ 11:17 am
Trevor Hansen, a Pro Tour top ten rider in 2002 has been added to the CWB and Proline Team for 2003. A 17 year old the High School Senior from Groveland, Florida who works and trains at Hansen's World Wakeboard Center (WWC) has accomplished quite a record in the last few year of his young career. But Trevor is driven to raise his performances on the water and contribute to the future product development with CWB. Trevor says: "I am extremely happy to team up with CWB and Proline and together carve a direction with innovative performance products to lead the industry".

2002 Wakeboard Nationals- 2nd
2002 Pro Wakeboard Tour 9th Overall
2002 Pro Wakeboard Tour, Charleston - 4th
2002 Pro Wakeboard Tour, Irvine - 6th
2002 Pro Wakeboard Tour, Kelowna - 6th
2001 Pro Wakeboard Tour, Abbotsford - 6th
2001 Wakeboard Nationals - 8th
2001 Pro Wakeboard Tour, Orlando - 9th
2000 US Open Junior Men's Champion
2000 WWA Wakeboard Nationals Junior Men's Champion
2000 WWA Wakeboard Worlds Junior Men's Champion
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