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MidWest Wake Fest 2003 - 101 Days Left . . . and Counting!

MidWest Wake Fest 2003 - 101 Days Left . . . and Counting!
By cramey on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 @ 7:55 am
Sorry for the delay in getting the first press release out, but here is how MWWF 2003 looks to be unfolding. Back again for 2003 at the fabulous Four Star Marina in Ottawa, Illinois we are ready to kick the Midwest wakeboard season hard. Scheduled for July 18-20, mark your calendars for the MidWest-cannot-miss event of the year.

Tentative schedule for this years MWWF are:
Friday – July 18: Demo Day – Many of our sponsors will have boards, bindings and all the other goodies on hand for you to put to the test. Pay WWA insurance for the weekend and we will get you out riding. We are also working on pulling various marinas from the area together to throw out some tows behind their towboats. Watch our next press release for details on which dealers are bringing their spectacular demo boats.

Saturday – July 19: Social Day – The whole point behind MWWF is getting to meet other wakeboarders. Saturday we will be throwing together a team wakeboard competition, limited to the first five teams to sign up. For a quick lay out on how it is going to work. . . your team will be comprised of four individuals. You can pick your team members before hand or at the event, but each team must include one rider that falls into each riding skill category…Novice, Intermediate and Advanced. The fourth rider can fall into any of the three divisions. All team members will ride for a pair of judges in their own boat during the day. Team and individual prizes will be awarded.

Saturday will also include the WakeFest Twilight Double Up Contest starting at 6pm. This is limited to the first 15 people to sign up, so do it early. You’ll get two hits, best one counts, the other never happened, so go hard at them both. It is that simple.

No boat?
Don’t let that be your reason not to join in the fun of WakeFest. We will have a dock in the water. If you are riding stag or just looking for a different group of people to ride with, head out to the dock. WakeFest history has shown that there are plenty of great people riding in the Midwest that are willing to share their good fortune of having great rides. Of course, we don’t need to remind anyone to be courteous and take care of those who take care of you.

The “Great” MWWF giveaway.
If you were at the 2002 event you know what we mean when we say “Great”. Forrest and the rest of the crew have been working hard to get sponsors in place to make the 2003 event even better then last year.

Entertainment from early evening (band), which will fade into D.J. as the night gets going. Why not a band all evening? We find that the band gets a little testy when we take the mike for an hour to give away two truckloads of sponsors’ gear.

Sunday – July 20 – Get up, shake off Saturday night, and ride till your arms fall off. We’re working on some Sunday morning demos, so keep checking back.

Lodging Information
Check out the Maps / Directions page for details on how to get to Four Star Marina and who to call for hotel reservations if you’re not feeling rustic.

Showing up early ? ? ? ? ?

While WakeFest won’t officially get underway till Friday, some of the Illinois River’s best riding is to be had on the weekdays. Four Star always has camping available and the WakeFest hotels will welcome you with open arms as well. So if three huge days of riding aren’t enough for you, get The Man’s foot off your neck and pack it up for Ottawa a couple days early. You won’t have much company, and you won’t be sorry.

Check-In ? ? ? ?
If you are camping or lodging in one of the MWWF hotels we ask that you check in with us sometime Friday or Saturday morning to make sure that we have you registered for the product giveaway. To get a campsite and boat ramp pass, just poke your head in the bar when you pull up to Four Star. John or Jeanine will be happy to hook you up.

Got questions? Feel free to shoot an email to or drop a phone call to Brian at (815) 509-2150.

A final note on Sponsors
This is the first official acknowledgement of the 2003 sponsors for MidWest Wake Fest. Thank you for your support. . . . and for MWWF attendees and supporters remember to show thanks to those that make the events and our sport possible.

Onewest Clothing
EVS Sports
Spy Optics
Sector 9 Skateboards
Predator Helmets
Joyride Boards
Canopy Effect Productions
Shred Shop
Gath Helmets
Rockford Marina & WaterSports
Competition Sports
Epik Footwear
3-Thirteen Clothing
Fly High by Barefoot International
Kampus Wakeskates

See you all in 101 days!!
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