Ronix wakeboards, Liquid Force wakeboards now at scores a new Liquid Force Ultra Core! scores a new Liquid Force Ultra Core!
By cramey on Sunday, July 01, 2001 @ 6:24 pm
From Oceanside, home of wakeboarding giant Liquid Force, comes the revolutionary new balsa wood core board labeled 'Ultra Core'. These boards are only being made in the Trip flavor with lengths of 133.5 and 138, and should hit the stores Mid July.

As soon as I picked up this board, I knew it was made of something special. It is POUNDS lighter than any foam model, and noticeably lighter than similarly sized honeycomb boards. But is it as strong? LF says yes, but will put it to the test this Sunday (7/1/01).

Check out the images on the right to wet your appetite for the review.

But for 750 bones will Liquid Force be able to sell enough of these boards to make money, or will the price tag need to drop low enough so people will spend that bit extra to score a balsa board.

Tomorrow we are going to test it in spins, inverts, double-ups, and huge airs... as well as testing crashing, and casing the wake... check back tomorrow for a huge review!

-- UPDATE (7/1/01 @ 5pm)
Check out the review here.
Attached: Images & video (3)

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