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Cathy Williams Clinches Win at Australian Pro-Tour

Cathy Williams Clinches Win at Australian Pro-Tour
By cramey on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 @ 7:35 am
ABILENE, TX – TeamTigé rider and two-time Paris France World Cup champ, Cathy Williams won 1st place in the women’s division of the Australian Pro-Tour. A long time promoter of women’s wakeboarding, Williams became the first woman to clinch a title in this prestigious event.

"The Aussie Pro-Tour has been growing over the past four years and has been dominated by men until this season," Williams explained. "They have introduced the ladies for the fist time this year and we rocked it!"

A TeamTigé rider for eight years, William’s has made it her mission to help the wakeboarding and the women in the sport thrive. Taking first place on this tour has brought Williams one step closer to realizing her mission.

"To have won this title is really important to me because it is the ice breaker for women in the sport of wakeboarding in Australia, the benchmark of progression," Williams said.

When not on the road making waves in women’s wakeboarding, Williams resides in Kentucky and trains behind a Tigé 24v.

Tigé manufactures eight direct drive and sport V inboard models ranging from 20 to 24 feet in length. Each boat features the patented Tigé ConvexV hull and TAPS2 technology. All are backed by the Tigé LifePlus lifetime replacement warranty, the only replacement warranty in the industry. Tigé has more than 80 dealers in 10 countries. For additional information, please contact Trish Tobin, Tigé Marketing Coordinator, at (325) 676-7777 or
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