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2007 Faction Hinge by CWB

2007 Faction Hinge by CWB
By cramey on Tuesday, May 02, 2006 @ 6:59 pm
Some call it innovation, we call it common sense. The Faction is the latest Hinge Tech (patent pending) boot to emerge from CWB Board Co.

Demand for Hinge Technology bindings has been so overwhelming the decision was made to launch the new model early.

Being the first 2007 product to roll out, the Faction is a preview of new performance and comfort features CWB will offer on this model priced to sell between the popular Torq and Zeus boots currently in the stores. The Faction features an "Articulated Toe". The Articulated toe is nylon, Lycra and neoprene precisely wrapped around segmented EVA to construct a toe rubber that forms to any foot, providing comfortable support. The Faction also has a higher stiffer wrap than the Torq model, and has a dual hidden lace.

The Hinge Tech system makes entry easy, with the flip of a lever. It also delivers excellent heel hold down with Zero heel lift. Clamp it to any board with the dual tooth "Lockjaw" plate and you are in for the ride of your life. Coming in June, the evolution continues...

MSRP: $300.00
Sizes: Small to XXL

For more information on the FACTION boot go to or write:

The binding is part of a new Faction Team movement, and there are more products to follow for 2007.

Attached: Images & video (2)

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