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Delta Sessions 2 (DS2)

Delta Sessions 2 (DS2)
By cramey on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 @ 8:30 am
Westsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide. West coast is right. From the creators of Delta Sessions comes the long awaited sequel, and appropriately named, Delta Sessions 2. Produced and edited by two Delta locals, Sean Branecki and Jason Buffalow bring some serious west coast talent to the silver screen. The delta which lies in the heart Northern California is widely considered one of the best places to ride west of Florida.

The Riding
Starting off the west coast insanity is the man who could be considered the godfather of 'tweak', Josh Smith. From Mutiny Wakeboards to today, Josh keeps the west coast grabbed, tweaked, and steezed spins Josh does wakeboarding right: legit grabs, solid spins, and style. And for those of you who don't know who Derek Cook is, you need to find out. He rips. He's got great style, and some insane off axis tricks. Framed in perfect skies and the epic delta butter Mr. Cook goes off.

Next up is the man, the OG of spin, Collin Wright. If you are looking for inverts you should probably attempt to fast forward to the next rider. If you want some spinning from the man himself, keep watching and see how it is done. If you happened to fast forward you should probably hit back. Brady Sammons is the next rider. This dude is like 6'9" and throws the biggest off axis 3 you've ever seen. Unfortunately one time his altitude caught up with him.

Aaron Rathy follows Sammons and throws some sickass toside pokes. And even though JD Webb is not a west coast local, apparently Jason and Sean felt he should be included along with his Florida buddy Sean O'Brien. Both O'Brien and Webb murder the wake. At one point the wake was really killed. Badly. Both have smooth style, great tricks, and fluidity: all common traits for other left coast riders.

Jimmy wolf, an Arizona native that spends time in the delta also show some spinability, followed by Southern California ripper Kyle Murphy. Both throw wrapped, grabbed, spins with the utmost style. Sick. But don't worry, DS2 steps right back into west coast mode with Mike Schweene.

The Wrapup
While we didn't review every rider on the disc, Delta Sessions 2 stands as one of the best grassroots videos around. DS2 comes to market with some great riding and equally great editing. Big ups to both Sean Branecki and Jason Buffalow for throwing together an extremely legit video showcasing some of the finest style that the Delta has to offer.

If you are looking for a different twist on riding or just want a decent flick to add to your collection you should definitely pick this bad dog up. After you pick up this joint, make sure you check out the bonus sections, they are packed with other great delta riders and locations. They even have a kids and girls sections.

Buy Online
DS2 from - $27.95

View the trailer
Delta Sessions 2 Trailer, 10.5mb

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Nice work sb.
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