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Chick wakeboarding is now legit!!

Chick wakeboarding is now legit!!
By cramey on Sunday, February 11, 2007 @ 3:42 pm
Chick wakeboarding is now legit!!

"Why hasn't anyone before DPC Films put together a project of this caliber for women in wakeboarding?" I'm not sure. But whatever now, it has been done. David Cervenka and Joe Umali have thrown together some truly outstanding riding and editing with a cast of all female riders. While you won't see wake-to-wake 9s that litter the men's scene, however you will see style and plenty of spinning to match. If the last all female video you saw was Beyond Three, get ready to go pick yourself up a copy of these new digs. The film, shot entirely in mini-dv, has great angles, outstanding music, and top notch editing.

The Riding
Emily Copeland is the first rider out of the gates and throws some of the most off axis toe-side fives you've ever seen. You'll also see some decent mobes including tootsies and a solid roll to blind. Stef Tor lights up the screen next with some premier female wakeskating. From rails to wake, she can get it done. There is also a sweet scene of her drying her hair! YESSSSS!

Shelly Kanter, the northern California local, lays down smooth spins and solid grabs in the buttery smooth delta water. The Aussies hit the vid next. You'll see both Will Christensen and Amber Wing. Which brings me to my favorite part of the video; Amber Wing. She truly rips. Don't get me wrong, the other ladies ride well, but Wing is a cut above. On rails and off the wake she lays it down. She also happens to stop a legit off axis seven. Huge. Sure, a whirly and some mobes and you've got technical talent, but slow it down with some stalefish backside 180s and now you ride with style.

I won't give it all away, but if you think that these chicks just do raleys and half cabs, you got it all wrong. Just about every video I've seen has a crash section. The Chick Flick is no exception. You'll see these lovely ladies go head first into sliders, and absolutely tank it into the wake.

The Verdict
Who doesn't like to watch chicks in bikinis rip at wakeboarding? The answer? No-one. Don't be stupid, and go pick up a copy of The Chick Flick today!

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