Ronix wakeboards, Liquid Force wakeboards now at

2011 Liquid Force Wakeboards

2011 Liquid Force Wakeboards
By flixmaster on Saturday, November 27, 2010 @ 10:26 am

The newest gear from Liquid Force is now available.  Liquid Force has created the new Harley wakeboard and bindings for 2011.  The board of choice for the Harley Clifford.  Out of the line for 2011 is the Lyman wakeboard.  If you ride the Lyman better buy a closeout board so you can have a backup board.  Returning again for 2011 is the Watson, Witness, Luna, Jett, Angel, Melissa, FLX, Watson Hybrid and a number of carry over boards from 2010.  Most of these boards have just a facelift of a graphic change.

 You can see all the new 2011 Liquid Force wakeboards online now.

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