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Double ups on a Double up.

Double ups on a Double up.
By cramey on Tuesday, July 17, 2001 @ 11:15 pm
‘01 Colin Wright 143 Foam Core
Length: 143 cm
Width: 40.6 cm
Rocker: 2.6” continuous
Weight: 7 Lbs

For the bigger rider, the Dup (Double Up) Wright 143 sure did the trick for me, and is not in my top 5 boards to ride. I was able to ride this board behind an equally sick ride—A 00 Super Air Nautique. Big props to both companies on putting out quality products! At 7lbs I was a bit worried when I strapped the board on for the first time, but how quickly this board made up for the weight difference of other boards I’ve ridden. It spins like a dream, and gets great pop from the wake.

The first thing you’ll notice when you take this board for a ride is that it is not a slam you up in the air type of pop you might get from such boards as the Byerly, or Premier. With the continuous rocker, as opposed to a 3-stage rocker, you’ll notice a smoother pop and release from the wake. Yet going huge, and straight up on this board are still entirely possible. The diamond tip allows for a quick release from the wake yet allows the board to ride deep in the water for increased ollie power as well as a stronger edge.

The single fins (1.75”) in the tips allow for some traction, but also perform well on sliders as well as carving and playing with the wake. Surface tricks are extremely easy with this board, and increase the amount of fun you can have with it. So how does this board treat you when going big? We tested this Dup on a couple doubles and were very impressed with the way it treated both our ankles and our knees on the landings. Landing with just a little tail first also made a huge difference in how we felt afterwards.

Overall I would honestly recommend this board to anyone over 175 and 5’9” or taller. It can generate a lot of speed into the wake, and makes a really fun time on the water.

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