Ronix wakeboards, Liquid Force wakeboards now at

Premier 140

Premier 140
By cramey on Sunday, May 06, 2001 @ 4:35 pm
Here’s the counterpart to the Premier 135 designed by Danny Harf. It’s a larger version at 140 cm. Harf chose to use a subtle, three-stage rocker to generate lift, but feels that this new creation still has the smooth riding qualities that a continuous rocker is known for delivering. Deep outer molded-in fins and a step-down rail allow you to ride it finless. Or, you can attach a center fin and ride it more like a traditional wakeboard for varying styles or rougher water conditions. It’s designed for riders over 140 lb. looking for a board that can accommodate varying riding styles. This may also be the board of choice for Parks Bonifay throughout the 2001 season.
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