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Liquid Force FLEX Bindings

Liquid Force FLEX Bindings
By cramey on Friday, September 07, 2001 @ 11:19 am
All I have to say about these new bindings is: way to go LF. For so long I think Liquid Force has struggled and lost market share in the binding reliability and advancement category. But with the new 2002 lineup, I think they are really going to give other companies a run for their money. From the ground up these new Flex bindings are new and improved. The Flex’s offer a clam style entry that cinches down with ease, and ‘memory foam’ that reduces foot impact when going big.

The foam pad looks to be about 1” at the toe and is contoured to create a very comfortable fit. At the balls of the feet and the heel is a section of ‘memory foam’ that makes landing a bit easier to take on the feet. Arch supports in these bindgs are absolutely great, and they share the same foot bed as the other high-end model (Exo, and Ultra) Suctions. Getting into these bindings takes minimal effort with the front lace design, and tightening them is a snap. Yank up on the lace, and you’re done. The front lace design allows the rider to ‘configure’ the ride however you like it- tight all around, or loose in the toes and tight in the ankle, it all can be done with these bindings.

After a couple rides I found that the bindings were a little more comfortable each time I slapped them on. It seems like Liquid Force has really taken a step in the correct direction this time. After fumbling around for so long with previous foot beds (2000 Ultras) and nonworking heel restraint systems (2000 Deep Suctions), it seems like the crew from Oceanside have done a 180 in binding design.

I’d recommend the Flex to anyone who wants a front lace binding with ultimate comfort—and they look pretty trick too! I don’t know if they have hit stores yet, but I would expect to pay standard price for a ‘pro’ model binding, maybe somewhere in the range of $280 - $340.

Visit Liquid Force on the web:
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