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EZ Ski Trainer

EZ Ski Trainer
By flixmaster on Monday, September 21, 2009 @ 12:37 am

We just received these this past week and one of our staff members grabbed the EZ Ski Trainer and headed to the lake.  He had tried to get his kids up on wakeboards and skis but had never hqad success.  One look at the blown up EZ Ski Trainer and he knew this would do the trick.  The EZ ski trainer has everything you need to get your kids on the water without them being scared and nervous to try watersports.  It gets them on the water and up behind the boat without them having to struggle.  Once the fear of being behind the boat and up on the water you can move to other more traditional watersports.  We prefer that you wakeboard but we do not always get our wish.....  Check out the ez ski trainer if you need to get your kids up and riding on the first day to the lake.


ez ski trainer

Tags: ez, ski, trainer
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