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Josh Sanders free riding

Heres a short clip of Josh Sanders free riding at AUC (Australian University Championships) in Mildura first week of Feb 2005. Josh and his brother...

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Josh Sanders free riding. Uploaded by: cp. Want more information about this video?

Title: Josh Sanders free riding


Heres a short clip of Josh Sanders free riding at AUC (Australian University Championships) in Mildura first week of Feb 2005. Josh and his brother Justin were kind enough to supply some Supra boats to for the event. Josh even had time to put on a few free riding demo's. Note that this footage was taken just after he recoverd from a broken foot, although it didn't seem to holding him back much considering he took us pretty much every pro event in 2005!

Excuse the music it was all I had at the time.

Vitals: Video, 3.4 MB, 320x240.

Media Facts: This video was uploaded on Thursday, November 24, 2005 @ 3:58 am. It has been viewed 101 times in December and 838 times since it was first posted. This item is ranked 10,512 / 20,189.

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