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Shredding on the Stixx

Shredding on the Stixx
By cramey on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 @ 10:23 am
From the heart of California comes the hand glass, hand shaped wake surfing devices you need to bring the ocean to the lake. Native to the California Delta, Jerry Price, has been surfing and wake surfing since the beginning. After seven years of research and development came the birth of the Shred Stixx wake surfing line.

Shred Stixx are designed to withstand more thrashing than a surfboard, but still give the feel bottom turns and pop off the lip of a fast hollow wave. Geared for all ages and sizes, wake surfing with the newest Stixx make it fun and easy. The Fish Stixx Competition Model comes in many different flavors ranging from 5'4 to 6'0 and your choice of traction colors.

The original Shred Stixx was designed for hard carving turns at 15 to 25mph on a 14' - 25' line. It comes anywhere from 5'6 to 6'6, and comes with your choice of traction colors. So support your local shaper, and if you're in the Nor Cal area give Jerry Price a call or drop him an email.

When you can't be in the ocean, or you want a different type of challenge, pick up a Shred Stixx, and fire up the boat.

Be sure to check out the Shred Stixx R & D!

Check Shred Stixx out on the web:

Jerry Price
Shred Stixx

Images courtesy of LevelX.
Attached: Images & video (2)

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