Ronix wakeboards, Liquid Force wakeboards now at


By cramey on Thursday, May 20, 2004 @ 7:41 pm
CWB is introducing another pro model wakeboard for 2005 that will be released in June of 2004. Andrew Adkison, CWB Team member and one of the top pro riders in the world will have his name on this new shape. Here is what Andrew has to say about the Transcend model:

"Transcend, the name itself says so much about what wakeboarding has been and will be for me, but also has relevance for anyone that has tried wakeboarding. To Transcend is to tear down personal boundaries. To rise above. To go beyond. To take it to the next level. We "Transcend" multiple boundaries every time we ride. More importantly wakeboarding has helped me set my sights on seemingly unattainable goals and realize they can be obtainable. How do I sum up what wakeboarding means to me: "Transcend." It sums up the past, my ambition for the future and what we all do each time we ride. "

The best part of the new Transcends ride is that it pops from the center of your gravity. This allows for an amazingly controllable release off the wake.

Spinning: One noticeable feature of the Transcends pop from your center of gravity is on spins. I've noticed even simple 3's feel more fluid, because the Transcend releases from my center of gravity there is less adjusting to the right axis before I initiate a spin. It provides a consistent, predictable pop.

Speed: The speed of a board is very important. If a board is too fast or too slow, you lose a level of comfort on the approach. With the Transcend, I've found a comfortable speed that allows me to be in control of my board throughout my approach and release.

Edging: Edging on a wakeboard is control. Riding the Transcend, I can put my board on edge as much as I need to and still release at the right time into a consistent, controllable "center of gravity” pop. With the Transcend I have found a board that holds its edge/control into the wake and releases from the top of the wake at the right time.

Fins: One of the factors in the control you have "on edge" is still being able to maintain the release the fins. The fins are mounted to a "step down" mounting area that extends below the rocker line. Because of where the fin is mounted, below the rocker line, we were able to put on the right length of fin, to give traction when needed without sacrificing the control of the release.

The predictability of the pop from your center of gravity, the speed, the fins and edging all lead to a noticeable smooth landing. The control, the pop, the soft landings is the fun of wakeboarding.”


For more information:

Or contact:
P.O. Box 716
Lynnwood, Washington 98046
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